Energy Therapies

Emotional Freedom Techniques & Reiki

I have personally been through at least 7-8 years of psychotherapy-with Freudian, Jungian, Transpersonal Psychoanalysts—( I believe Carl Jung was one of the greatest of men to walk this earth) hence my own work is now steeped as much in Psychology as in Spirit and Energy.

While choosing a method of healing, energy healing stands out as a powerful and transformative option. Unlike conventional therapies, energy healing taps into the body’s natural energy flow, promoting self-healing from within.

Scientific evidence and research support the effectiveness of energy healing methods like Acupuncture, Acupressure, EFT and so forth.

EFT, based on meridian therapies, works rapidly to reduce and remove emotional blockages, negative or limiting beliefs, stress, to restore harmony and balance and is one of the easiest for clients to use for self-help.

How do Energy Therapies work?

Briefly, all energy therapies work on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level and can bring about rapid and powerful healing through releasing blockages in the body’s energy system.

There is a vital life force known as Prana, Qi or Ki which flows through every cell in our body akin to our circulation system where blood flows through the capillaries and veins in our body. Prana literally means Life. No prana, no life.

Prana flows through channels in the body, known as Meridians and is stationed in Seven major energy centres known as Chakras and is distributed throughout the body in something resembling an extremely detailed subway map.

Due to emotional, physical, mental stresses or trauma, energy gets blocked in various points in the body—and these blockages create further ailments and illnesses of all kinds. In fact, if you have a problem, it is implicit that there is an energy blockage somewhere in your body. Therapists aim to clear these blockages so energy can flow harmoniously and the person can therefore return to a state of homeostasis balance.

Reiki can bring profound results and in a session it knows where it needs to go. Reiki is Japanese for Universal Energy and in a session I channel Reiki with the focussed intention of treating your specific areas of concern, whether physical or emotional—but very often areas that haven’t been targeted may heal first—the energy knows where it needs to go.

Reiki works as well long distance, across a continent, as it does in person. I have also been Certified in Animal Reiki.

Most of us these days are usually stuck, to some extent, in freeze, flight, fight mode. We can’t heal if we are stuck in these modes—so the simplest and first step is to help your nervous system to reset—releasing you from the stuckness.

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